Community Supporters

Acquired brain injuries can occur to anyone.

How you choose to recover is up to you.

We respect that each person has a different preference for how they recover and the right to make their own decisions. 

We welcome supporters as diverse as the people who have experienced brain injuries so that each person can explore and find the right fit for them. 

We ask only that supporters be thoughtful and that they do not promote hate, hostility, or injury to those who do not share their ideals. 

We encourage you to research any and everything of interest to you and to make the best decision for you based on your results. 

CBIA does not endorse the opinions, services, or approaches of any supporter or organization listed on our website. 

Supporters are listed alphabetically.

Chartreuse Moose

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Chartreuse Moose has provided CBIA a place to have our informal chat groups. 

Website address: 

City of Williams Lake

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Williams Lake leaders have expressed concern for people with acquired brain injuries and have welcomed CBIA as a community-based partner. 

Website address: 

District of 100 Mile

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The District of 100 Mile has welcomed CBIA as a community partner to assist in supporting people with acquired brain injuries, a concern they have stated that they have as well. They have supported CBIA by providing us with consistent board meeting space. Their staff have kindly helped attendees to find their way to our meeting room. 

Website address: 

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Owner, Dave Potter, has personal experience with acute brain injuries and offers nutrition and exercise information and personalized plans to support people on their recovery journey. Here is what Dave has to share about his experience.

How Bodybuilding and Fitness Helped Me Overcome Brain Injury and Launch a Two Successful Businesses.

I’ve spent most of my life in 100 Mile House, British Columbia, and spent years competing in rodeo as a bareback rider and bull rider. Like many in the sport, injuries were part of the game, but in 2012, I suffered a brain injury that changed everything. After being bucked off a horse, I couldn’t walk for more than five minutes without dizziness. On top of the physical symptoms, the mental toll was overwhelming—I dealt with severe depression and even thoughts of suicide.

Doctors told me that some of the damage might be permanent, but I refused to accept that diagnosis. I turned to bodybuilding, a passion I’d had since I was a kid. Through a strict approach to diet, nutrition, and training, I was able to cure my post-concussion syndrome within 6-8 months. Fitness gave me a sense of control and purpose when everything else felt out of my hands.

After my recovery, I didn’t just stop there. Six to eight months after overcoming the brain injury, I founded my first successful business—Genesis Landscaping and Excavation. It was a turning point for me, not just in my physical recovery, but in my professional life as well.

Ty Pozzabon’s death in 2017 reminded me of how real the dangers of concussions are. Ty’s struggle with post-concussion syndrome, which ultimately led to his tragic passing, was a stark reminder of the importance of finding a way to heal—physically and mentally. I feel incredibly fortunate that I was able to take control of my health and rebuild my life.

Today, I own Interior Iron and Fitness here in 100 Mile House, and I’m gearing up for my next bodybuilding competition. In addition to running my gym, I also offer online coaching through my company Outback Muscle Techs, where I help clients from all over achieve their fitness goals and rehabilitation. 

For me, fitness and nutrition (healthy fats and the role they play in the brain) was the key to my recovery, and now I’m focused on helping others take control of their health and their lives, no matter where they are.

Website address:

Article about Dave: 

Articles by Dave

Living Purposefully

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Living Purposefully helps you focus on your goals in relationship experiences, lifestyle changes, social patterns & habits, marital, medical, career, financial, age-related transitions, and much more. It’s about the Journey of finding beauty in every aspect of life, creating harmony within yourself and understanding what is sacred and important to you. It works directly with the brain's plasticity to open and stretch; be more pliable.

Website address:

Lorne Doerkson, MLA

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Mr. Doerkson has shared with CBIA that he supports our efforts and is interested in doing more for people with acquired brain injuries.

Website address: 

Rise and Grind

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Rise and Grind has provided CBIA a place to have our informal chat groups. 

Website address: 

Starbucks in Williams Lake

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Starbucks in Williams Lake has provided CBIA a place to have our informal chat groups. 

Website address:,-122.13282,15z&place=williams%20lake 

Vintage Athletics

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Owner, Patricia Thorn, offers different levels of exercise classes, including chair-based and gentle exercises, to help aid people with acquired brain injuries in their recovery.

Website address: