Cariboo Brain Injury Association

Welcome!  We're glad you are here.

CBIA’s mission is to provide peer-led support and mentorship to help people with acquired brain injuries in managing their best life via information services, safe places to talk about their experiences with others, and encouraging places to regularly practice recommended interventions..

CBIA envisions a future in which our programs enhance and expand the range of understanding of and supports within our Cariboo region for people who have an acquired brain injury. It is our highest aspiration that a person in our community with an ABI be treated with greater acceptance and respect by all community members, to be more frequently recognized as purposeful to our community, and to see and embrace their continued self-worth. Click here to learn more

Speech / Aphasia Exercises

CBIA host multiple online sessions each week to help anyone that has speech impediments and/or aphasia.  Each participant takes turns in leading the group.  We see an image, process that image and then articulate what we see.  This helps with neuroplasticity in our brains by developing new neuropathways that over time improves our ability to speech and recognize different objects.   It is not difficult and each participant really enjoys the sessions.

 Click here to learn more


Events that support brain injuries are crucial for several reasons, each contributing to the well-being of individuals affected by brain injuries, their families, and society as a whole. Here's why they are important:  

1. Raise Awareness

2. Build a Supportive Community

3. Fundraising for Programs and Research

4. Advocacy for Policy Changes

5. Celebrate Resilience and Recovery

6. Foster Inclusion and Reduce Stigma

Click here to see just some of our events

CBIA offers peer-led community programming in person in 100 Mile House and in Williams Lake and online programming via a link shared with participants. 

Programming includes opportunities to talk about your experience with an acute brain injury, or caring for someone with an ABI, with others who have experienced the same and can provide support, guidance, and mentorship. 

Additional programming gives you a chance to practice interventions in a supportive setting, gather for informal chats and walks, and participate in seasonal activities. Click here to see our calendar.  

It can feel overwhelming when a person experiences an acute brain injury for the person and for any caring person in their lives. Knowing where to look for help can seem confusing, scattered, and frustrating. We get it. We've been there.

This is why we have assembled a list of resources that we have found helpful in our journeys. Hopefully, it can help you, too. Check out the list here.  

CBIA enjoys the support of a growing list of community supporters. Some of them may offer you with information, programming, or more that you might not have known were right here in the Cariboo. Take a look at who they are and what they're about here.

Need more information? 

Curious and might want to join, but would like to know more? Maybe in a one-to-one meeting?

Signed up for a program but have to change your plans?

Want to be a supporter?

Want us to do a program for your group?

Whatever your reason, you can reach out to us at   

More contact information can be seen here.